Monday, January 30, 2012

Walk A Mile With My Camera

Boredom is a big problem for me when it comes to exercising.  I hate walking on a treadmill, staring at the same spot on the wall.  Same goes for any machine in a gym; I just can't stay interested.  Even walking outside, repeating the same route over and over again can get old.  I need something to keep the routine from becoming routine.

I've always been a big of a photographer wannabe, but never really made a serious effort to learn the craft.  Over the past year or so, a combination of forces, primarily the need for a good camera to take photos for magazine articles, pushed me to buy my first "real" camera.  By "real", I mean something more than your typical point-and-shoot that you take on vacation.  As a precursor to a DSLR, I purchased a Samsung HZ50W, one of the new classification of "super-zoom" cameras.

As I said, the main reason for buying this was for magazine photos, but I quickly began exploring other uses.  I became hooked on the camera, taking it with me everywhere; everything I saw looked like a photo opportunity.  I became "that guy with the camera", ask my wife.

What's this have to do with health or this blog?  How many times have you been somewhere outside, on a walk or a hike, and saw something photo-worthy but didn't have a camera?  What if the purpose for being on the walk in the first place was to look for photo-worthy sights?  That's how I've started to view my walks.  Each walk is a photo walk, an expedition to look for new things to take pictures of.  An interesting shadow, a ray of sunlight calling attention to a leaf on the ground, a bird sitting on a tree branch.  I get so wrapped up in the hunt for a photo that I completely forget that I'm exercising.  It's amazing how quickly 3 or 4 miles go by.

I thought I'd share some of my favorite "walk" photos below.  If you want to see more, feel free to browse through my albums on Google+; I won't promise all of the pictures there are good, but some of them are great.  I think you'll agree, I have plenty to do when I'm out for a walk!



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