Saturday, January 28, 2012

New Gadgets

Through the blog of another "Get Hawt" participant, I discovered two new gadgets that I'm going to try out in my quest to shed some pounds.  Remember, I'm a gadget guy.  Gadgets help me to see this venture as a sort of game, and games are fun, and anything that makes this effort more fun is definitely welcome.  Both of these gadgets are apps for my phone.

The first app is called Two Hundred Sit-Ups, and appears to be nothing more than a convenient way to follow the Two Hundred Sit-Ups program.  In a nutshell, you start with an honest assessment of how many sit-ups you can do, and from there the program guides you through an increasingly difficult regimen, with the goal being the ability to eventually do 200 sit-ups.  Judging from the grunts and groans that come from just tying my shoes, this should be interesting!

From the same group of people, the second app is called Hundred Pushups, and I'm not talking about those frozen orange ice cream treats.  This is essentially the Two Hundred Sit-Ups system designed for pushups.  The last time I did a pushup was about two years ago, when we first got Wii Fit.  I think I did 10 of them, and haven't done one since.  If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?


  1. I started the hundred pushups program way back when I couldn't really do any - I think I was doing incline pushups for the program. But I got bored. Since then, however, I've just incorporated pushups into my regular strength training routines and I like doing them and making progress again.  I don't know if I'll get to 100 of them anytime soon, but I'm definitely improving - first of all, I can do real ones! :)

  2. Boredom is a big problem for me when it comes to exercising.  I think that's why I prefer walking, because I can take my camera along and combine a hobby with exercise.

    I really had no idea how many situps or pushups I could do, so I was a little surprised when I managed to do 27 situps, and 16 pushups, without dying!
