Monday, January 23, 2012

Why This Blog?

I've found, through my other two blogs, that if I set a goal and declare it publicly, I'm more apt to pursue the goal.  The wife and I are setting out to cut back on the heavy, unhealthy comfort foods, the fast food, the junk food, and start getting more physically active.  Since I'm already a big walker, it seemed to make sense to start with a walking theme, and see where it goes.  I'm hoping that she'll participate in the blog as well as the diet/exercise effort, but that remains to be seen.  She's been reluctant to become "one of you Twitter people", but I'm working on that.

Anyway, starting today, I'm going to use this blog to publicly declare our/my goals, progress, significant events, etc.  You'll probably see recipes here, an occasional challenge, who knows.  I guess you'll have to follow along to see just what we do with this.  Nothing's off the table at this point.  Except this: